77: How to practice speaking Italian: 3 smart ways

Enrolment for our Italian immersion spring 2020 is now open 🙌 Click here to learn more: https://courses.joyoflanguages.com/italy/ Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-practice-speaking-italian Today's text Per imparare a parlare l’italiano, bisogna usarlo! Ecco tre suggerimenti su come fare. Per fare pratica... Numero 1: Si può parlare da soli. Numero 2: Si possono cercare persone con cui parlare di persona, oppure online Numero 3: Si può viaggiare.

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Where's the toilet? Two coffees please! How much is it? Learn the basics in bite-sized pieces with Katie and Matteo. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our You Tube Italian Channel to get more Italian lessons.