Weight-loss drugs and insulin cost far less to manufacture than companies charge

USA TODAY Health Reporter Karen Weintraub looks at a new study revealing weight loss drugs cost less than $25 to make. Colleges told the Education Department they don't have enough time to process FAFSA information. Two-thirds of colleges and universities polled in an American Council on Education survey said they don’t believe they’ll be able to successfully process student financial aid data in the next few weeks. Former President Donald Trump’s namesake social media company stock hits turbulence. USA TODAY National Network Print Planner Sammy Gibbons tells the stories of four transgender athletes, amid growing hostility toward gender diverse people. Watch their stories here. We remember Louis Gossett Jr. Episode Transcript available here Also available at art19.com/shows/5-Things See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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