Florida Ban

This week on the pod, we dive into the potential social media bans in Florida and break down stories from Meta, X formerly Twitter, and BeReal plus the return of One More Thing!The 5 Things: Florida Houses passes a bill to ban social media for teens Meta launches Llama, an AI programming tool, to compete with GitHub Copilot Meta announced a new program to share data with academics In December, Threads it reached top 10 downloads, X reached No. 36 BeReal (like we predicted 😉) adds celebs and brands One more thing: Elmo asked "How is everybody doing?" and the internet was not greatSources: AP, Business Insider, The Verge, Social Media Today, Tech Crunch, Social Media Today, NYT, BBCHosts: Joey Scarillo, Daniel Avon, Jayda Hinds To subscribe to our newsletter, click HEREEmail us: [email protected]

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Each week Grey brings you five important things happening in the world of social and digital media.   This round table panel covers platform updates, creative inspiration, stories in the news, and more.   Powered by Grey, Famously effective since 1917