Inspiring story: 12 months to live - from existing to living (with Robert Glynn)

in April 2020 Robert Glynn was given 12 months to live following a terminal cancer diagnosis, 2 months after losing his father to cancer.   He was also offered the chance to be a part of a trial treatment at The Christie hospital, which he 'jumped at', and at the same time made some big changes to his lifestyle through nutrition and exercise.   Two years later and Rob is not only still with us but his cancer is all but gone and he has a completely new approach to life.   Speaking to Rob I wanted to find out how he managed the mental pressure, and what some of the changes were that he made to his lifestyle.   He details the research he did into diet and countries with low cancer rates, and the specific foods he cut out of his diet to help 'create a hostile environment for the cancer', losing 31kg (5 stone) in the process.   Being given 12 months to live is a bit of a hyperthetical scenario sometimes posed with the purpose on focusing your attention on what you'd do differently with your life.   For Rob it was very real and we talked about how his attitide to life has changed over this period.   We talk about the importance of having support around you, speaking to friends about your inner struggles, and finding beauty and happiness in every day moments of life.   Why do we have to wait until our health is in jeapoardy before we reevaluate our lives and make course corrections?   Maybe we don't have to. Maybe we can choose to do exactly that today.

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Sometimes we all need a bit of a boost. A boost of energy, a boost of motivation, a boost of positivity. In A Bit Of A Boost, wellbeing and performance expert George Anderson shares ideas and strategies to give you the boost you need. Drawing on 2 decades of experience as a personal trainer, wellbeing, performance and mindset coach, George offers new perspectives and practical tips, and introduces an exciting lineup of guests who share their own personal go-to methods of boosting their wellbeing. A Bit Of A Boost aims to equip you with the tools and resources you need to boost your motivation, energy and mindset, and bridge the gap between knowing and doing as you move from information to implementation. You can find out more about George on his website at, follow him on LinkedIn at and Facebook at