Mindset strategy series #6 - 10 training strategies

The previous strategies I’ve been sharing in this series are applicable in most areas of life but the ones I have for you on today's episode are focused on training mindset.   There may be some carry over to other areas as well but I wanted to put together some of the top strategies that I regularly use with my own training in case as some of them may be of value and benefit to you.   There are 10 altogether - 3 that help me before a workout*, 5 during and 2 after.   I wouldn't lean on all of them in any one workout, but they all come up regularly and then all help.   Have a listen, try a few out, keep what works, discard the rest.   Here are the 10 strategies: 1) Plan the session 2) Negotiate with yourself 3) Put yourself in the bin 4) No rep  5) Through the line 6) It’s why you’re here 7) Go beyond 8) Trash talk 9) Overcome and become 10) Just for you   Enjoy!   *My training is very varied - some running, some swimming, some cross training, some strength. Some (though by no means all) of my workouts end up with me pushing myself to my limite which isn't appropriate or desirable for everybody, but I wanted to share the strategies in their raw form and leave it to you to decide which ones are applicable to you!

Om Podcasten

Sometimes we all need a bit of a boost. A boost of energy, a boost of motivation, a boost of positivity. In A Bit Of A Boost, wellbeing and performance expert George Anderson shares ideas and strategies to give you the boost you need. Drawing on 2 decades of experience as a personal trainer, wellbeing, performance and mindset coach, George offers new perspectives and practical tips, and introduces an exciting lineup of guests who share their own personal go-to methods of boosting their wellbeing. A Bit Of A Boost aims to equip you with the tools and resources you need to boost your motivation, energy and mindset, and bridge the gap between knowing and doing as you move from information to implementation. You can find out more about George on his website at https://bygeorgeanderson.com/podcast, follow him on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachgeorgeanderson and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/coachgeorgeanderson