Nutrition for optimal performance with Celynn Morin

My guest this week is Celynn Morin, a qualified dietician, author of two books and workplace wellbeing consultant.   I heard Celynn speak at an event, and because I'm the absolute last word authority on anything related to wellbeing I noticed my 'oh this'll be good' reaction when I read the agenda.   My defensives dissolved within the first few seconds of her presentation and I found myself nodding along, participating and - gasp - learning a thing or two.   I came away with a real sense of being uplifted and having enjoyed myself for 90 minutes, but I also noticed a slight niggling about whether this was due to biases I had towards the information. The first question I ask Celynn in this interview - quite off the cuff - is how we can monitor and work around our own biases so we find the best information that's going to help us move forwards.   This spiralled into a conversation about breakfast, and whether it really is 'the most important meal of the day', and our individual wrestlings with this question over the years.   The big topics we get into centre on gut health and epigenetics, two areas that Celynn is a real expert in. But as always we wended our way around a variety of other areas of nutrition, wellbeing, performance and life with plenty of takeaways and advice along the way.   Celynn mentioned her Wellculator framework that I have completed and this is freely available through her website:   She also mentioned a gut health masterclass which you can access through her YouTube channel here:   You can also connect with her on LinkedIn:    

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Sometimes we all need a bit of a boost. A boost of energy, a boost of motivation, a boost of positivity. In A Bit Of A Boost, wellbeing and performance expert George Anderson shares ideas and strategies to give you the boost you need. Drawing on 2 decades of experience as a personal trainer, wellbeing, performance and mindset coach, George offers new perspectives and practical tips, and introduces an exciting lineup of guests who share their own personal go-to methods of boosting their wellbeing. A Bit Of A Boost aims to equip you with the tools and resources you need to boost your motivation, energy and mindset, and bridge the gap between knowing and doing as you move from information to implementation. You can find out more about George on his website at, follow him on LinkedIn at and Facebook at