S4 Episode 12 - Responsible Large Language Models

ChatGPT4 was launched mid podcast recording, whilst we were having a fantastic conversation about AI Ethics, Large Language Models and Generative AI. Rob is joined this week by Sean Williams, CEO of AutogenAI and Chris Leong, ForHumanity Fellow and Certified Auditor.  Listen to a conversation about core use cases for LLMs, considering AI ethics and balance, what not to use LLMs for and how to keep aligned with, and to influence appropriate regulation. In fact, perfect alignment with Principle 1 of the International CDR Manifesto - namely, TRUST, Digital Ethics and advocating for appropriate regulation. LinkedIn:      Sean Williams AI and bias: https://autogenai.com/article/input-and-output-ai-bias-and-diversity Wittgenstein, ChatGPT and a Complex Soup of Linear Algebra: https://autogenai.com/article/wittgenstein-chatgpt-and-a-complex-soup-of-linear-algebra ‘Mouth Burn Porridge Hell!’: Regulation is a Goldilocks problem: https://autogenai.com/article/mouth-burn-porridge-hell-regulation-is-a-goldilocks-problem What is a large language model: https://autogenai.com/article/what-is-a-large-language-model LinkedIn:      Chris Leong Responsible Innovation: How ‘good’ are your Checks and Balances? - Part 1:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/responsible-innovation-how-good-your-checks-balances-leong-fhca The Uncertainty of ‘AI’ in Socio-Technical Systems: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/responsible-innovation-uncertainty-ai-socio-technical-leong-fhca Subscribe to the Responsible Innovation Newsletter: https://lnkd.in/exSk-TnX Responsible Innovation Framework: https://resinno.carrd.co For more information on #CDR and #DigitalResponsibility check out http://corporatedigitalresponsibility.net LinkedIn:      Rob Price Facebook:    CDR Twitter:        @the_Digital_COO Instagram:    the_digital_coo

Om Podcasten

A podcast about digital impact on people and planet. Based in the UK but talk to global guests including #CEOs #Authors #Academics #SMEs and #experts about their work innovating using technology to make a real difference to people, communities, society and the planet. We talk about #Digital #DigitalEthics #AI #AIEthics #Sustainability #Trust #Privacy #GDPR #Innovation #TechforGood. Supporting the global Digital Responsibility movement, also known as CDR, Digitalt Samfunnsansvar, RNE and more. Check out the website for more information https://corporatedigitalresponsibility.net