Michael Caraway Agent Rise Breakthrough: From Uncertainty to Unstoppable (Episode 419)

Welcome to another episode of the Agent Rise Podcast! In this special edition, we introduce you to a remarkable guest, Michael Caraway, an agent in Dallas TX, as they dive into his incredible transformation journey during Agent Rise Breakthrough Week. Discover how Michael overcame limiting beliefs, focused on his vision and achieved outstanding results in just one year of working with Neil. You'll gain valuable insights into mindset shifts, content strategies, and the power of YouTube in real estate. Join us for an inspiring conversation that could change the way you approach your real estate business. If you're in search of inspiration, strategies, or just that extra push to take action, you won't want to miss this one. Save the date for our flagship program, Agent Rise Bootcamp, starting on Sept 21st. Are you ready to rise?  Get all of the details at agentrisecoaching.com/bootcamp

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Agent Rise with Neil Mathweg is for real estate agent who want to be uncommon, bring clarity to their business, and want to breakthrough all the noise to build a thriving real estate business. Agent Rise is both a podcast and a movement, designed to wake up and redefine the real estate industry. So we can build a business we truly love, make a greater impact, while eliminating the stress of it all. Hosted by Neil Mathweg, a veteran agent in Madison, WI and real estate agent coach and speaker. Let’s join the movement now!