Episode 3: Loss of Control - Air France 447

On June 1st 2009 an Airbus A330 disappears over the Atlantic Ocean. Debris is found the as early as the day after, however it took two years to find the actual wreck of the plane. A finding that revealed a truly disturbing cause of an accident that should have never happened. With Captain Nick from the Airline Pilot Guy Show, we have a guest on AIPC who is a former Airbus A330 pilot and a podcaster himself. Make sure to visit and listen into the Airline Pilot Guy Show which is an outstanding weekly podcast on aviation covering the latest news, an awesomely interactive feedback section, and Nicks greatly researched and entertaining "Plane Tales"  with a crew of professional pilots. APG is indeed the - now - 2nd best aviation podcast on the planet ;-)  http://airlinepilotguy.com You have feedback or episode ideas? Air Incidents is an interactive podcast. Your feedback is important to us. contact:[email protected]: facebook.com/airincidentspodcastInstagram: instagram.com/airincidentspodcastSo you want to support us? we are on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aircrashpodcastOne time donations are possible through Paypal: https://paypal.me/aircrashpodcast

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Air Incidents! Hosted by the team of the german Air Crash Podcast, this is the english speaking counterpart of the successful Podcast about aviation incidents, accidents, their investigations and background stories. We explain those incidents in a way, non aviation related people can easily understand. Aviation accidents shock and fascinate equally. We look towards them with respect, curiosity and fear. But is flying really dangerous today? Or are the losses of the past a learning for the future? Most aviation accidents are a concentration of unfortunate circumstances that is highly unlikely. Sarah and Sebastian are hosting the german Air Crash Podcast, one of the leading aviation related Podcasts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. With Air Incidents, they take a step towards a more international audience and present their work also in english. New episodes airing every second Friday. Air incidents is an interactive podcast. We value our listeners and your feedback is what drives us. Most future episodes will have a dedicated feedback section in which we discuss and respond to your feedback. So feel free to contact us. Mail: [email protected] Instagram: air_incidents_podcast Facebook: Air Incidents Podcast