034: How to Give A Client-Centered Massage

This episode was prompted by a "Massage In The Real World" student. Do you struggle with communication? Do loved ones often tell you, "I don't feel like you are listening to me? Like you're hearing me?" If so, this could be creeping into your professional life as well!   It is hard to hear criticism from a client. Hard to feel like your work didn't resonate with someone. But the truth is, unless we check our own agendas at the door, we may be failing to meet our clients where they want and expect! Listen to this episode with a humble heart and think about if there are ways you can be giving a more client-centered massage.   Remember, it is our client's time to relax, reconnect, and rejuvenate, not our own. If we have needs that aren't being met, we should schedule a massage, psychotherapy session, or date with a friend. Not use our client's time for our own purposes. Scrutinize your intentions, evaluate your thoughts, and be honest with yourself. Do what you need to make sure that you are coming from the most grounded, centered, authentic, and caring place. This is your job! And it might be the most important part of your work as a massage therapist. So therapist, get your hands dirty. Cry. Laugh. Heal.

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Fun. Informative. Professional. "Align with The Massage Business Mama" comes to you with a combined 22+ years experience in the massage biz as entrepreneurs. Providing actionable tips and resources. Beca an off-grid living, quirky, trail-running, massage therapist, esthetician, and yogi offers her business and wellness perspective to you with a highly caffeine-fueled compassionate wit. Ali, your hard-working, driven, creative mom, massage therapist, business owner, lover of friend gatherings, all-time annual family talent show winner, brings her drive and business savvy to every episode.