Following Her Calling | Theresa Gattung

Theresa Gattung CNZM has had a lifetime of leading. She’s one of New Zealand’s most successful business women and is constantly backing women and girls through @The Gattung Foundation and in her role as Chair of @Global Women. Where she sees need, she leads.She made her mark in business as NZ’s first female CEO of an NZX listed company when she headed Telecom. She co-founded My Food Bag and has been and continues to be chair of many high stakes boards. Now she’s left the boardroom she gets to...

Om Podcasten

am&courageous conversations is all about digging into the lives of those who are prepared to live courageously.   It’s about those who are prepared to use their voice to benefit others and to make a difference in the world. It will examine the impact on those who use that courage to put themselves out there in a relentless news cycle where cancel culture dictates and where the online space can be toxic and pervasive.   What’s the downside? What’s the payback? What’s the outcome they want?  Are they capable of getting the results?  

These people are leaders but they may not be in charge of anyone. They’re leading people with their conviction, courage and ‘cojones’ to make a better world. 

Who are these people? Amanda Millar finds out in a provocative podcast that promises honesty, humour, insights, entertainment and inspiration.