Productive Struggle with Peg Grafwallner

There is a saying that says all good things are worth working for. That is what is supposed to keep us going when we encounter roadblocks and challenges along our way. But what if I told you that struggling is a good thing? As long as the struggle is productive. Productive struggle is something that we should all encounter, but moreover, productive struggle is something that we should all embrace. Afterall, when we experience productive struggle that means we are making grounds at getting to our goal. My guest today, Peg Grafwallner, would agree. Peg is the author of Not Yet...And That's OK: How Productive Struggle Fosters Student Learning. She joins us today to talk more about the not yet mindset and the productive struggle including strategies in how to boost student engagement and learning. After listening to today's episode, head over to my website and click on the Podcast tab to read more about Peg.

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