Melissa White Architects

In this episode I talk to the architect Melissa White about her London based design studio and some of the beautiful residential properties she has designed.Melissa White architects create beautifully curated homes for families in and around London. We discuss the process of working with people who often have not refurbished or extended a home before, how Melissa builds a dialogue with her clients and I find out about her early influences and fine art background, and what that brings to her work.At the end of the interview I ask her the three questions I ask all of my guests; what is the one thing that annoys her in her home, what home has she visited that has made her feel happy and, if she could choose anyone to design her a house, who would she choose?

Om Podcasten

Interviews with architects from around the world about inspirational homes that they have designed. Another Architecture Podcast is hosted by architect, George Bradley, founder of London based studio Bradley Van Der Straeten. George’s genuine passion for his industry and the storytelling format of the podcast, make it accessible for everyone.Each episode, George talks to architects in depth about how they created incredible houses from first concept to completion. By focusing on one project in detail, the podcast offers a real backstage insight into what influences design, how architects work with different locations and clients and the challenges of building a dream home. The podcast was selected as one of the 8 best architecture podcasts to listen to by Elle Decoration.