Debunking Three Marriage Myths

Have you fallen prey to these marriage myths? Are culture's fairy tales misleading you? Many of us embark on a journey fueled by the desire to discover that elusive soulmate, someone who completes us. But in our quest for marital bliss, have we forgotten the true purpose of marriage? Believe it or not, finding "the one" can be messy, marred with imperfections and doubts. In today's episode of "At Home with the Beveres", join Addison, Juli, Alec, and Maddie Bevere as they discuss navigating the complexities of marriage, debunking myths, and uncovering the realities of becoming one.

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Family is a beautiful mess. Join the Beveres in this multi-generational, faith-inspired podcast as they wrestle through the issues modern families are facing. Building a healthy marriage and raising awesome kids isn’t rocket science—but it rarely happens by accident. Tune in for intentional, lively, and meaningful conversations on how to navigate family well in this wonderful and crazy world.