167: Drew Watkins, The Creator of the "NBA Forever" Spot and Other Iconic Sports Stories on How to Tap Into Your Innate Creativity

On the show today is a very special guest; none other than Light's brother, Drew Watkins! As a creative director for Turner Sports and Bleacher Report, Drew has been involved in some of the most-watched sports-based content in the last 20 years, and it is quite likely that you have seen a lot of Drew's work without even knowing it. In this conversation, we get to hear all about the early seeds of Drew's interest in video and creating recordings, and how the vibe in the Watkins home influenced his outlook on life. Drew also shares a bit about his years at college and the interesting challenges he faced during this period, through to his transition into the professional sphere. The most emblematic element of Drew's career is his philosophy on creativity, and hearing about his approach to making content and producing pieces that are exciting and apt is truly inspiring. There are so many relatable lessons for listeners to grab onto, and the message here of following a passion in interesting directions is a very strong one. Press play and hear it all!

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Host Light Watkins helps his guests uncover the story behind the story of how they started their movement for social good, by leading them through a retrospective of their “dark tunnel” moments to reveal how they found their inner light. If you’re in the darkness right now, hearing these stories will surely help you to find your inner light as well.