Andryea Natkin - Being True to Myself

From chenille bedspreads & fringe vests to mosaics & ceramics, Andryea Natkin shares her journey as a seeker, always on the lookout for what is truly hers so she can express it. She was born into a family of artists, which gave her that foundation of permission to trust herself. Andryea persevered and eventually received her BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, all along working in a variety of mediums including drawing, painting, printmaking, mosaic and ceramics.

Om Podcasten

The world is filled with prolific artists who have an obsessive hunger to create. Join me for conversations with artists embracing the joy and uncertainty that fuels their work. Listen in as we delve into creative obsessions, supportive communities, getting stuck, studio spaces, and setting boundaries. Acknowledge the mess and keep going!