#096: Supporting SLPs Working in an ABA Setting with Julianne Trudeau

As an SLP-BCBA, collaboration is a really important part of my work. Julianne Trudeau is an SLP and Director of Speech Services at Bierman Autism Center. This center grew from a small in-home provider to a clinic-based therapy center with 17 locations across the country. Bierman operates a Collaborative Service Model in which BCBAs, SLPs, and OTs work together to best serve the child.I've shared many stories in the past about the difficulty I've both seen and experienced with the collaboration between SLPs and BCBAs. Julianne uses an analogy, I love. BCBAs and SLPs are like a married couple, they may not always see eye to eye but they have the same goal at heart. This goal is in the best interest of the child. In collaborating together, BCBAs and SLPs can take a bit from each other to become better, more informed professionals and make the child the most successful as possible at the same time.Bierman Autism Center increases the success of their collaborative service model by embedding opportunities into the schedule. Providers have embedded meetings for communication and collaboration for their cases. They also schedule weekly clinical staff meetings, monthly center staff meetings, and quarterly meetings for centers across the region. Bierman also embeds collaborative training opportunities for staff and parents.Intake a Bierman begins with a family tour led by the center director. During this time services, goals, and collaborative ideas are discussed with the family. This visit will be followed up with an initial assessment and the parents will be provided the opportunity to have their child's ABA supplemented with service from other center providers such as SLPs and OTs. When a family chooses to participate in a collaborative service, each department will assess the child and collaborate and touch base on overlapping areas and goals. You can find out more about Bierman Autism Centers at their website or on social media.What’s Inside:What is a Collaborative Service Model?What is Collaborative Assessment?How SLPs, BCBAs, and OTs can effectively collaborate.Using Collaborative Assessment to get a true snapshot of the child.Planning appropriately for intervention.Mentioned In This Episode:Bierman Autism Centers

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In the Autism Outreach Podcast, Speech Therapist and BCBA, Rose Griffin from ABA SPEECH, provides her best, ready to use autism interventions and speech therapy techniques to inspire professionals and parents working with students with autism. With 20 years of experience in the field, Rose understands one of the biggest challenges parents, therapists and educators face on a daily basis is helping students strengthen their communication skills. Listeners will regain a sense of calm as Rose breaks down trusted therapy techniques to try at home or school to provide support to students. Rose will address a variety of topics on autism spectrum disorder: how autism symptoms present in babies and toddlers, recognizing the differences between autism and a speech delay, early intervention therapies, autism evaluation, autism diagnosis, how to help a child with autism start communicating if they are nonverbal, helping students who engage in problem behavior, functional communication skills, increasing student engagement and improving social skills. An excellent listen for parents and professionals alike, with a mix of interviews and solo shows designed to inspire, empower, and provide you with confidence to help your students. Hit subscribe and learn more at www.abaspeech.org