#139: Autism and Insurance Coverage- A Discussion with Lorri Unumb

My guest today, Lorri Unumb needs no introduction. Lorri is a mother of three, an autism mom, a lawyer, an autism advocate, and an absolute dynamo in the field. Be sure to check out her long list of achievements in the guest bio for this episode!We are talking about something so important and impactful for families everywhere who have an autism diagnosis: insurance. In 2003 when Lorri’s youngest, Ryan, was diagnosed ABA was not a covered treatment even though it was evidence based and crucial to his opportunity to reach his highest potential. Full time ABA therapy for Ryan’s needs would run $70,000+ annually. And they weren't the only family dealing with this.  While Lorri’s family could make it work, paying full price for therapy was not ideal and for some families this would simply not be possible. So in 2005 she got to work writing a bill that would require insurance coverage for all evidence based autism treatments to include ABA. And after a 2 year journey what became known as “Ryan’s Law” was passed in 2007.  Autism Speaks reached out to employ Lorri and she then spent the next decade replicating this law across the country, finally passing in the 50th state in 2019.Lorri also shares about her role in the Council for Autism Service Providers, a collaborative organization of providers working and learning together from across the country. And as an autism mom herself she has some great advice for parents facing new diagnosis: “It gets better”.#autism #speechtherapyWhat’s Inside:How insurance for autism treatment has changed in the last 20 years.What is Ryan’s Law?The impact of high cost and uncovered autism treatment for families.What is the Council of Autism Service Providers?Advice for autism parents.Mentioned In This Episode:Council of Autism Service ProvidersThe Autism Law SummitLearn more about the ABA SPEECH Connection CEU Membership and Joint Attention on September 12th at 8-9pm eastern (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/835049703570) and September 13th at 8-9pm eastern. (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86200908099)

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In the Autism Outreach Podcast, Speech Therapist and BCBA, Rose Griffin from ABA SPEECH, provides her best, ready to use autism interventions and speech therapy techniques to inspire professionals and parents working with students with autism. With 20 years of experience in the field, Rose understands one of the biggest challenges parents, therapists and educators face on a daily basis is helping students strengthen their communication skills. Listeners will regain a sense of calm as Rose breaks down trusted therapy techniques to try at home or school to provide support to students. Rose will address a variety of topics on autism spectrum disorder: how autism symptoms present in babies and toddlers, recognizing the differences between autism and a speech delay, early intervention therapies, autism evaluation, autism diagnosis, how to help a child with autism start communicating if they are nonverbal, helping students who engage in problem behavior, functional communication skills, increasing student engagement and improving social skills. An excellent listen for parents and professionals alike, with a mix of interviews and solo shows designed to inspire, empower, and provide you with confidence to help your students. Hit subscribe and learn more at www.abaspeech.org