#168: Using Video Modeling with Dr. Teresa Cardon

In the age of smartphones and tablets, video modeling is more accessible than it ever has been before. Dr. Teresa Cardon dives into the research on how effective video modeling is and how to move based on perceived barriers.Video modeling research shows that learners respond faster than with live modeling and you can use it to teach a variety of skills including self help, play, and imitation. Dr. Cardon explains that most barriers providers find for video modeling, time or training, are based on a perception that video modeling is difficult or needs perfection. Studies show that the model in the video can be anyone as long as the desired skill is being modeled correctly, the age or connection to the client has no bearing on the success of the video model.To get started, decide on your target skills or actions to be modeled. Pre-film the action (although Dr. Cardon mentions quick perception filming of your own hands works too), play for the client, provide the necessary items for the action, and the hardest part…keep quiet. Dr. Cardon mentions you can do as many as 5-10 video models per session with videos that are 20 to 40 seconds long. Dr. Cardon’s advice for listeners is to just do the video model! Don’t let perceived barriers stop you from using this super effective evidence based practice. #autism #speechtherapyWhat’s Inside:Research and tips on the evidence based practice of video modeling.What skills can video modeling teach?How to use video modeling in your therapy session today.Mentioned In This Episode:[email protected] Dr. Teresa Cardon on LinkedInTeresa CARDON | Speech & Hearing Science; Board Certified Behavior Analyst | Chicago School of Professional Psychology | Ph.D. Program in Applied Behavior Analysis | Research profileVideo Modeling Imitation Training Manual.pdfJoin the ABA SPEECH Connection Membership

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In the Autism Outreach Podcast, Speech Therapist and BCBA, Rose Griffin from ABA SPEECH, provides her best, ready to use autism interventions and speech therapy techniques to inspire professionals and parents working with students with autism. With 20 years of experience in the field, Rose understands one of the biggest challenges parents, therapists and educators face on a daily basis is helping students strengthen their communication skills. Listeners will regain a sense of calm as Rose breaks down trusted therapy techniques to try at home or school to provide support to students. Rose will address a variety of topics on autism spectrum disorder: how autism symptoms present in babies and toddlers, recognizing the differences between autism and a speech delay, early intervention therapies, autism evaluation, autism diagnosis, how to help a child with autism start communicating if they are nonverbal, helping students who engage in problem behavior, functional communication skills, increasing student engagement and improving social skills. An excellent listen for parents and professionals alike, with a mix of interviews and solo shows designed to inspire, empower, and provide you with confidence to help your students. Hit subscribe and learn more at www.abaspeech.org