10 questions about ethical AI powered automation - answered

With the rise of AI technologies - so does the ethical concerns of using it safe and without causing any harm. What do we want to know about implementing ethical AI powered automation software?In this episode, we brought in Danny Shayman as an expert, to answer 10 questions asked by our followers regarding ethical AI powered automation. Below are the questions answered by Danny: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using machine learning predictions in business operations...

Om Podcasten

Humans in the Loop (former Automatiserinspodden) is an interview-based podcast that covers the essential parts of business automation. Each episode offers a in-depth interview with a subject matter expert who gives their view on how tech and humans collaborate in processes. Tune in for real-life examples of machine learning, artificial intelligence, decision automation, and process automation. Humans in the Loop is produced and presented by InRule Technology® Host: Olle Swedberg