Can we get ahead of the problem? IFRS 9 and Expected credit loss (ECL) talks with Jakob Lavröd | Entercard

While there might be hard to find any excitement in an upcoming recession, we found Jakob Lavröd, a credit risk specialist from Entercard. Jakob is one of the few excited persons, and the reason for that is his passion for the IFRS 9 framework. How good will companies be able to manage and predict future losses? How much can we trust machines to do the work? Tune in to learn more about IFRS 9, where it came from, and the purpose of the framework. And also how the framework lets com...

Om Podcasten

Humans in the Loop (former Automatiserinspodden) is an interview-based podcast that covers the essential parts of business automation. Each episode offers a in-depth interview with a subject matter expert who gives their view on how tech and humans collaborate in processes. Tune in for real-life examples of machine learning, artificial intelligence, decision automation, and process automation. Humans in the Loop is produced and presented by InRule Technology® Host: Olle Swedberg