Connecting the Dots: Christer Berglund's Vision of Enterprise Architecture

What if you could unlock the secrets of enterprise architecture and its pivotal role in digital transformation? That's exactly what we're exploring today with our esteemed guest, Christer Berglund. As an experienced enterprise architect, Christer unravels the intricacy of his role, focusing particularly on the importance of maintaining a holistic company view and understanding the ripple effects of changes. We start off with a fun warm-up quiz that provides a sneak peek into Christer's digita...

Om Podcasten

Humans in the Loop (former Automatiserinspodden) is an interview-based podcast that covers the essential parts of business automation. Each episode offers a in-depth interview with a subject matter expert who gives their view on how tech and humans collaborate in processes. Tune in for real-life examples of machine learning, artificial intelligence, decision automation, and process automation. Humans in the Loop is produced and presented by InRule Technology® Host: Olle Swedberg