Orchestrating, Acting on & Governing Decision-making with InRule CEO Rik Chomko

In this episode of Humans in the Loop, Rik Chomko, CEO and founder of InRule, delves into the complexities of decision-making in the fast-paced realm of technology and AI. The discussion focuses on the essential strategies of orchestrating, acting on, and governing AI and rule-based decisions, emphasizing the balance between declarative and non-declarative reasoning within AI frameworks.During the interview, Chomko highlights the challenges businesses face when they dive into decision-making ...

Om Podcasten

Humans in the Loop (former Automatiserinspodden) is an interview-based podcast that covers the essential parts of business automation. Each episode offers a in-depth interview with a subject matter expert who gives their view on how tech and humans collaborate in processes. Tune in for real-life examples of machine learning, artificial intelligence, decision automation, and process automation. Humans in the Loop is produced and presented by InRule Technology® Host: Olle Swedberg