From Caregiver to Consultant: Transforming Parent-Child Relationships with Mack Ogren

In this episode of BaseCamp Live Davies Owens and Mack Ogren explore the various stages of parenting. Mack has spent several decades working with JH Ranch, where he has worked with thousands of parents and students providing this helpful framework. They discuss the need for parents to transition from being primary caretakers to becoming consultants, offering age appropriate guidance and as children mature. Key insights involve nurturing deep connections with their children, casting a shared vision for a child to become mature and independent and along the journey learning to balance freedoms and responsibilities. By working intentionally through each stage of maturity parents can successfully guide their children to become confident and Christ centered independent young adults.

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BaseCamp LIVE will equip you, the parent, educator, or mentor to climb the biggest mountains as you seek to shape young people to become exceptionally prepared, compassionate, and thoughtful human beings. Our guests are thought leaders, culture watchers, and educational experts who are seeing the benefits of a classical Christian education to form students into adults who can think critically, believe with courage, and serve compassionately.