Motivating Youth in a Lazy & Distracted World, with Craig Hefner

Have you ever seen a young person struggling to get motivated, complaining about boredom, or seeming a bit lazy and apathetic? Or perhaps they’re the opposite, always busy, distracted, and jumping from one thing to the next throughout the day. This behavior is common in our modern world, but the ancients had a unique word for it: Acedia. Although this term has faded from our vocabulary, it’s worth rediscovering, as it helps us better understand this prevalent vice, especially challenging for teenagers. Fortunately, our guest Craig Hefner encouraging words and practical solutions to reframe this mindset in our homes and schools.

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BaseCamp LIVE will equip you, the parent, educator, or mentor to climb the biggest mountains as you seek to shape young people to become exceptionally prepared, compassionate, and thoughtful human beings. Our guests are thought leaders, culture watchers, and educational experts who are seeing the benefits of a classical Christian education to form students into adults who can think critically, believe with courage, and serve compassionately.