Cultivating Empathy - Character Series - EP4

We unpack the effects of mockery in Surah Al-Hujurat. Through reflections and examples, understand the destructive nature of ridicule and learn how to cultivate empathy for others.v

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Sheikh Belal Assaad holds a Degree in Shari’ah and Da’wah from the ‘Ad-Da’Wah Wal-Irshad University Institute’, Tripoli, Lebanon 1995.He continued his studies in Biomedical Science at Victoria University (VU), followed by a postgraduate degree in Teaching Science and Student Welfare & Well-being’ also from Victoria University (VU). He also competed a second postgraduate degree in Migration Law and Practice from the Australian National University (ANU).Sheikh Belal is a registered Minister of Religion (title: Imam) and Marriage Celebrant with the Australian Federation of Islamic Council and the Australian Governor General’s Office. He has been in the field of Da’wah delivering regular khutbas and a public speaker locally and abroad for the past 26 years. He is internationally known and is invited to guest speak and lecture regularly through various organisations internationally and nationally as much as his time permits. Sheikh Belal was born in Melbourne Australia, and currently resides there.