460. 10 Years Coaching - Lessons Learned Part 2: Love

To celebrate my business’s 10th birthday, I’m sharing some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned helping thousands of clients in my programs and millions more through this podcast.   Tune in this week to discover the game-changing lessons I’ve learned about love and the importance of fostering love in our minds. You’ll hear how it’s possible to love people you don’t know, why loving like Jesus will make you successful at anything you try to do, and how purposefully cultivating love for yourself and others will change every single area of your life.    Get full show notes and more information here: https://jodymoore.com/460

Om Podcasten

This podcast provides practical tools and real life application for taking your life from where ever it is to the next level. We cover relationships, health, emotions, mindset, confidence, entrepreneurship, money and all other parts of being a human. Did you know there is something better than happiness? It’s the life you were meant to live.