BC in Car Works

Noah Hadley, the director of Car Works, joins the podcast to discuss how something simple like car maintenance can have a lasting impact. Car Works provides assistance to community members in the Lafayette area who have automotive problems and are experiencing financial hardship. These individuals may have a job, pay their rent, and keep food on the table, but seldom have enough money left over for preventive maintenance on their cars - and even less for major automotive repairs. Car Works partners with the Care Team (you can listen more about that in our last episode), to not only repair a vehicle, but help the individual with other needs they may have as well.

Om Podcasten

The Biblical Counseling in Action podcast, hosted by Dr. Steve Viars, interacts with guests and explores how biblical counseling intersects with their jobs, ministries, relationships, etc. The podcast seeks to provide real life examples of Biblical Counseling in action – what it looks like in day-to-day living. Steve Viars is a pastor, counselor, author, and leader in the biblical counseling movement, and Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries has been using God’s word to help those most in need, and to train those who want to learn to help others since 1977.