BIG QUESTIONS: MONEY Mindset, Toxic Coworkers/Friends, Leaps of Faith in Career

Let's get into another episode of BIG QUESTIONS! I answer...  How do we stay in a mindset of PEACE and ABUNDANCE when there's sooo much to pay for? & go in depth on overcoming scarcity & fear in the journey to subconscious money peace. Is it possible to tap FOR someone/help them via tapping on OURSELVES? "Surrogate tapping," how to help the people we love energetically. Advice for dealing with a toxic coworker (or friend/family member) - suggestions for YOUR PEACE, whilst keeping some good boundaries.  Is trying to motivate/pump yourself up when you really DON'T WANT TO a form of bypassing? What's REALLY at the heart of not feeling motivated/wanting to do something - and how to explore those deeper layers and figure out what you want to do to move forward.  How do I NOT SABOTAGE a manifestation when it's about to come in? Let's dive deeper on the FEAR OF SUCCESS. How did I get the confidence to go the alternate route in my career, and did I have a backup plan? + a total pep talk on "backup plans", taking the leap, encouraging yourself through the journey  MONEY BLOCKS Slingshot Session: Join us in the Dreamaway Community for so many resources including Dreamaway-exclusive Slingshot Sessions, visualizations, tapping "Money Dates" (abundance programming), daily tapping videos, weekly energy readings, astrological updates, and so much more! Make sure you're following me on IG to request podcast episode topics/submit questions for the next Big Questions episode! @haleyhoffmansmith

Om Podcasten

If you’re ready to step into the BIGGER version of yourself and your destiny, then you’ve found the right podcast, because we’re about to have some BIG conversations about just that. Hosted by entrepreneur, author, manifestation coach and Forbes most influential speaker Haley Hoffman Smith, the Big Conversations Podcast helps people of all ages and backgrounds amp up their motivation, manifesting abilities, and subconscious breakthroughs. With content aimed at obliterating limitations, connecting with the Universe, and sparking profound inner contemplation, each episode will help you level UP into the biggest version of you and your life - right to your pipe dreams.