Is Modern Love a Mess? with Todd Baratz

Todd Baratz is a certified sex therapist, a licensed psychotherapist, and author whose book How to Love Someone Without Losing Your Mind is out now! He joins Jeff this week to talk about what makes modern love so messy, whether or not “right person, wrong time” is really thing, and if the honeymoon period can last forever. Plus, Jeff puts him through a round of “Is This a Red Flag?” Listen to Jeff's podcast Problem Solved here: Subscribe to Jeff’s Patreon: Pre-order your copy of Big Dating Energy Keep up with Todd Baratz: Follow Todd on Instagram: @yourdiagnonsense Order How to Love Someone Without Losing Your Mind: Forget the Fairy Tale and Get Real

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BIG DATING ENERGY is a playful, funny, and vulnerable podcast where licensed therapist Jeff Guenther, whom you may know as 'TherapyJeff,' talks to comedians, celebs, relationship experts, and every now and then an ex-partner about dating and relationship stuff. Come for the validation, stay for the painful and awkward self-disclosure. This podcast is a companion to the book 'BIG DATING ENERGY.' New episodes drop on Thursdays.Pre-Order your copy of Big Dating Energy!Listen to more podcasts like this: