158 | A Journey of Intentionality - Janelle & Mivon Green

Janelle & Mivon perfectly timed their conception to align with their wedding day. They were able to share their pregnancy with their wedding guests as a sweet surprise. The early stages of pregnancy were plagued with exhaustion and food aversions. Her midwife reminded her that the work of growing a baby was intense. This allowed Janelle to give herself grace for what she had considered “laziness.” Aligning their spirituality with their birth and parenting goals with the support of a spiritual doula helped them feel ready and calm. After preparing for months through education, optimizing their physical health, and mental preparation, labor started one night, as it often does. A quiet moment of solitude brought Janelle gently into labor land as she practiced her breathing and tracked her contractions in the darkness. Eventually, they made it to the birthing center to determine progress and the next steps. Mivon, Janelle, and her mom started to create a peaceful environment and managed consistent contractions, and progressed through early labor. Time passed, and Janelle fell back into solitude when space allowed. During a heart rate check, the midwife captured a heart deceleration, and the baby's heart recovered quickly. More time passed, but her dilation had not changed, accompanied by another heart deceleration. The difficult conversation about the possibility of a hospital transfer was necessary. The midwife felt confident that the baby was ok and encouraged movement. Mivon and Janelle’s mother started to feel uncertain about their plans to stay at the birthing center. Janelle felt the shifts in the room. She trusted her intuition and stuck to the plan, and trusted in the midwife and Janelle. Prayer and shifting through position changes led to active labor and no more decelerations. Mivon’s hands would be the first to touch Baby Zara as Janelle pushed her out. Skin-to-skin started immediately with Janelle as they welcomed their child and the flood of emotions that would ensue. Baby Zara would come earthside on her late uncle’s birthday, making her entry a blessing and a tribute. The term labor is fitting as the work for her to get here was intentional and intense.

Om Podcasten

Birth Stories in Color is a podcast for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino, and Multiracial individuals to share their birthing experiences - a space that specifically celebrates, mourns with and supports them and their transformation through birth. Birth Stories in Color also emphasizes the role of storytelling as a way to equip future parents. Listening to real birth stories is one way to discover the expected and unexpected parts of the journey. We realize that there are birth stories not being heard. Our hope is that all who share and listen find this platform to be a community near and far, and an invaluable resource for navigating their own journey.