183 Cerclage, Miscarriage, and Hypnobabies: Designing a redemptive birth with Hypnobabies grad Theresa Kinter

The birth of my first son was a deviation from my meticulously crafted plans, shrouding me in an unexpected sense of shame. The aftermath gave rise to a tempest of postpartum depression and anxiety, a labyrinthine struggle that eventually became a catalyst for self-discovery. As the years streamed by, the landscape shifted once more - our eagerly anticipated pregnancy dissolved into sorrow through a late miscarriage at 15 weeks, orchestrated by an incompetent cervix. Yet, from the ashes of despair emerged a phoenix of resilience. The subsequent pregnancy came adorned with its own challenges, demanding a cerclage stitch to fortify my cervix. Armed with newfound strength and the harmonious guidance of hypnobabies, I navigated the path to an empowering and joy-filled birthing experience. A journey from despair to triumphant repair and the reclamation of my empowered spirit. XOXO-Theresa Kinter 3 Key takeaways from the podcast that listeners will learn today: Pregnancy with a cerclage Birthing unmedicated with Hypnobabies Misscarriage and support building 3 Keywords that people would want to search when looking for content that you would provide in this episode: Cerclage Hypnobabies Miscarriage Favorite baby product or new motherhood product? What would you buy for someone who was currently pregnant or a new parent?: A pregnancy seat belt buckle (this is a game changer for car comfort) A pair of pregnancy leggings Postpartum underwear Blackout curtains Cosleeper Summary of guest experience: I’m Theresa Kinter, a Digital Art Director at a sports marketing agency in Charlotte, NC. I have a BA in web design but I appreciate art in all forms. When I’m not cosplaying as a business woman, I’m navigating life as a mildly crunchy mom of 2 fun-loving and wild boys. I currently moonlight as an Etsy Shop owner where I create helpful comprehensive guides and cozy comforts like herbal eye pillows. ebsite:  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tkstitchyouneed Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/TKStitchYouNeed Etsy: https://tkstitchyouneed.etsy.com TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tkstitchyouneed XOXO -Heids We have seats available in Birth Story Academy. Join today for $20 off with code BIRTHSTORYFRIEND at https://www.birthstory.com/online-course!  Resources: Birth Story Academy Online Course Shop My Birthing Workbooks and Guides I’m Heidi, a Certified Birth Doula, and I’ve supported the deliveries of over one thousand babies in my career. On the Birth Story Podcast, I’ll take you on a journey through your pregnancy by providing you education through storytelling. I provide high-level childbirth education broken down to make it super digestible for you because I know you are a busy parent on the go. Plus, because I am so passionate about birth outcomes, you will hear from many of the top experts in labor and delivery. Connect with Me! Instagram YouTube My Doula Heidi Website Birth Story Media™ Website  

Om Podcasten

Hi! I'm Heidi, experienced Birth Doula and host of the Birth Story podcast brought to you by Birth Story Media™. I support moms through their fertility and pregnancy journeys and help have trauma free birth stories and labor stories. When moms embrace their pregnant bellies and their pregnancy and await the arrival of their baby or babies they are going to feel many emotions and have many visions about what will happen during child birth. "Is this normal?" "What does a contraction feel like?" "What does the day of labor look like?" "What is a Doula?" I want every mom's birth story to be peaceful, happy and a memory that they will love to share. Birth Story podcast is my way to provide childbirth education through story telling in the comfort of your home and to prepare a mom for motherhood with any birth story that unfolds for their pregnancy, labor and delivery. If a pregnant mom uses an OBGYN, a midwife, a doula, a birth doula, or has a home birth, water birth, natural birth, C-section, cesarean birth, hospital birth, medicated birth, epidural birth, pitocin birth, an induction or induced labor, are having multiple babies or a single baby, a birth plan or no birth plan; I started this podcast to help moms learn and prepare for their labor and delivery and birth though birth story telling. BIRTH STORY PODCAST INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/birthstorypodcast BIRTH STORY PODCAST FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/birthstorypodcast LOOKING FOR A DOULA IN CHARLOTTE, NC? HIRE MyDoulaHeidi: https://www.mydoulaheidi.com BIRTH STORY PODCAST SHOWNOTES: https://www.birthstory.com