Black Entrepreneur Blueprint 465 - Jay Jones - Is Generational Wealth Really Attainable Or Is It A Scam To Sell Get Rich Quick Programs

Everybody talks about building generational wealth, but is it a sneaky way for creators to sell online courses and “get rich quick” programs? This was a question posed to Jay in a recent interview he did with Camari Ellis on The Finance Rebel Show (link below) Join Jay as he discusses his thoughts on generational wealth and gives you several ideas about how to realistically create generational and transformational wealth for your family. LEARN MORE ABOUT HOW TO MONETIZE YOUR GENIUS IN JAY'S "PINPOINT & MONETIZE YOUR GENIUS" PROGRAM   GET MY NEW BOOK: "Unlocking The Poer Of ChatGPT - The Ultimate Prompting Handbook For Beginners" at   WATCH MY INTERVIEW ON THE FINANCE REBEL SHOW AT:  

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Black Entrepreneur Blueprint was created to help educate and inspire Black entrepreneurs to Launch, Build, and Grow successful businesses. Our podcast is designed for Black entrepreneurs by Black entrepreneurs. Our podcast consist of in depth interviews with successful Black entrepreneurs such as Dr. Dennis Kimbro; million selling author of the book "Think and Grow Rich - A Black Choice", George C. Fraser founder of, and many others. The interviews not only focus on the entrepreneurs successes, but also the failures and the lessons learned that each of these business owners have experienced.