Find The Exit From Your Pain Story With Dina Maddox Robitaille

What if it isn't the way you think it is?  In this episode of BoYOB Podcast Coco interviews Dina Maddox Robitaille. Dina is a Shadow Worker who does a combination of techniques to help individuals move out of victim consciousness and find the exit from their pain story.  We dive into how to allow yourself to have a shift in perspective and uncover 2 of the most important realizations to be able to stand in your power. If you are ready to question your story, and shift your perspective on life you won't want to miss this episode! 

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Boss of Your Own Brain is a space to dive deep into the mysteries of science and spirituality behind the human experience. Coco is here to get real, unscripted, and unapologetic in sharing her own personal journey of awakening into her truth with the intention to help others awaken their true nature to unlock their full potential.