Slowing Down to Speed Up

Life can be overwhelming. We are constantly inundated with decisions, information, and noise. Life is happening right before our eyes but somehow we miss it. Somehow we neglect to see the beauty right in front of us because we are always rushing to “the next best thing”. Searching for more yet somehow still feeling unsatisfied even when we receive it. In the episode Colette opens her heart to share her personal journey as an example for others. She’s kicking off SEASON 2 with a bang and you won't want to miss it!

Om Podcasten

Boss of Your Own Brain is a space to dive deep into the mysteries of science and spirituality behind the human experience. Coco is here to get real, unscripted, and unapologetic in sharing her own personal journey of awakening into her truth with the intention to help others awaken their true nature to unlock their full potential.