The practical brain-science of positive emotions | [BrainTools]

We love to feel good - happiness, joy, euphoria. But where do positive emotions come from? Why do we have them? And how in tarnation do you get more of them? In episode 1 of BrainTools volume 2 we dig down (deep down) into positive emotions in the brain, where they come from and of course, share with you 6 BrainTools for having more of them, more often. Happiness BrainTools, free of charge, paid in listening. If you're loving the show, follow our Instagram for more brain bites, or join our newsletter where we'll let you know when new episodes go live plus share an exclusive, in-depth post with all the research and additional brain tools from each episode. Find out more here

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Learn how your brain works when it comes to sleep, stress, communication and more, based on practical neuroscience. Plus, each episode you get 6 practical BrainTools that you can start using as soon as you take your earbuds out.