97: Beyond brand basics: how to brand your creative business when you’ve got the logo, colours, & fonts down

When it comes to brand identity design, the holy trifecta and the things people mainly think of, are logos, colours, and fonts. These things are important, yes, and make up a huge part of your visual identity. But there are a whole lot of other elements that go into creating a complete brand identity that elevate your brand, bring it all together, and take it to the next level. If you’re ready to stand out and show off your amazing work with a wow-worthy brand, let’s talk about the brand elements that go beyond the basics!

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If you’re ready to get more eyes on your work, more dollars in your pocket, and more creativity in your life, you’re in the right place. Welcome! This is how we're gonna do it. Brand Your Passion is the show that helps you utilise branding & marketing to turn the thing you love the most into something that people know and love you for.