Roundtable Part 1: Past, Present, Future Reflections of Nigeria with Afolabi, Jasmine, Jola and Mayowa

Its halfway mark through the season and I had planned to do 2 roundtables with the different generations separate. This weeks episode I gathered some of my faves Afolabi, Jasmine, Jola and Mayowa who I always enjoy their thoughts on social, political and cultural matter especially on Nigeria. It's not an expert on expert style. Its Q& A. Some of the questions were collated from the public. We discuss growing up in Nigeria, Adulthood struggles, 2023 Elections, Low Quality Elites, and alot more.  Got key takeaways on an episode you'd love to share? Or a Fact check? Or an initiative you want to spotlight? Then ⁠record a voice message here⁠ and you'll be featured on the Sunday episodes. ( P.s. You can send multiple 90second ones and we'll put them together to be cohesive) For inquiries, long feedback, or proposals email: [email protected] To continue the discussion follow us on: ⁠Twitter ⁠or ⁠Instagram⁠

Om Podcasten

The podcast aims to create a unique space for young and old Nigerians to exchange ideas respectfully, bridging the knowledge and age gap while promoting inclusive discussions. Each episode will bring together experts to share useful insights on various topics about Nigeria. This includes topic areas such as governance, health, technology, culture and more