652. Penny Sartori

Penny Sartori became interested in death and dying early in her nursing career after a connection she developed while caring for a dying patient in the ICU. That event motivated Penny to question what happens when we die and this led to Penny undertaking a long-term study to investigate the near-death experiences of patients in ICU. Penny worked as a nurse for 21 years and currently lectures at the nursing department of Swansea University. Website: drpennysartori.com YouTube Channel Books: The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences: How Understanding NDEs Can Help Us to Live More Fully The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences: How the Messages of NDEs Can Positively Impact the World Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group. Transcript of this interview Interview recorded Sunday, June 26, 2022 Video and audio below. Audio also available as a Podcast. YouTube Video Chapters: 00:00:00 - Introduction and Background of Dr. Penny Sartori 00:03:50 - Reflections on Death and Near-Death Experiences 00:07:09 - The Disconnection from Nature and Primal Selves 00:10:38 - Long-term Impacts of Near-Death Experiences 00:14:00 - Impact of Near-Death Experiences 00:17:23 - The Purpose of Near-Death Experiences 00:20:36 - Beings from Higher Dimensions 00:23:58 - Medications and Near-Death Experiences 00:27:01 - The Importance of Understanding Near-Death Experiences 00:30:10 - After Effects of Near-Death Experiences 00:33:34 - Unexplainable Experiences during Near Death Experience 00:36:39 - Heightened State of Awareness during Unconsciousness 00:39:51 - Profound healing experiences through altered state of consciousness 00:42:57 - A Profound Understanding of Quantum Physics 00:46:11 - Consciousness as a Transmitter or Receiver 00:49:30 - Different Experiences of Consciousness 00:52:57 - Out-of-body experiences and consciousness after death 00:55:48 - Wisdom of Ancient Traditions 00:58:56 - Experiencing the Life Review 01:01:53 - The Profound Effect of Actions on Individuals 01:05:00 - Tactile and Auditory Experiences in NDEs 01:07:59 - The Challenges of Verifying Out-of-Body Experiences 01:11:03 - Near-Death Experiences and Perspective Shifts 01:13:49 - Distressing Near-Death Experiences 01:17:08 - Heavenly and Hellish Realms 01:20:32 - Pleasant Experiences of Dying 01:24:22 - Visited by Deceased Loved Ones During the Dying Process 01:28:20 - The Transformative Potential of Near-Death Experiences 01:32:28 - Transformative Experiences and Helping Others 01:36:29 - Messages and Symbols After Death 01:39:57 - Near-Death Experience and Empowering Communities

Om Podcasten

The implication of the title - Buddha at the Gas Pump - is that ordinary people are experiencing higher states of consciousness once thought to be rare and difficult to attain. People everywhere are undergoing a shift or awakening to their true nature. For some, this shift has been abrupt and dramatic. For others, it has been so gradual that they may not have realized it has occurred. Such shifts, or awakenings, are not new: Christ spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven within, Buddhists speak of Nirvana, Zen masters of Satori, Hindus of Moksha, but these traditions generally regard these states as rare and difficult to attain. Many people are therefore skeptical of claims of higher states of consciousness. They find it hard to believe that apparently ordinary friends and neighbors might be experiencing something extraordinary. Maybe they expect Enlightenment to look as remarkable on the outside as it is reputed to be on the inside. This show will attempt to dispel skepticism and misconceptions by week after week, allowing otherwise ordinary people to relate their experience of spiritual awakening. The terminology is tricky, because there are no universally agreed upon definitions to describe this experience. So please forgive us if we use some unfamiliar terms. We will try to clarify our definitions as we go along. Perhaps, after a while, those listening will become convinced that genuine and permanent spiritual awakenings are not just a pipe dream, but are real and are becoming relatively commonplace. These podcasts are the audio track of a weekly interview show which may be seen as videos on our YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/buddhaatthegaspump). Also see the main site: https://batgap.com. For search purposes, I will add the following to this description - batgap, Buddha at the Gaspump, Buddah at the Gas Pump.