#212 How to Simply Create Meaningful Content for Your Business | The MPACT Method: Content

Welcome to part four of our five part MPACT series where we are breaking down our signature process–our MPACT Method–for scaling your online business and generating that momentum + how to do it in as little as four hours a day, four days a week.   You can catch part one, part two, and part three here, but don’t be afraid to dive in right now and go back though these episodes later!   In this episode we're talking all about content creation! This episode is for you…   →  If you feel like you're creating great content, but no one's hearing it, despite being super consistent… → If you feel like you never know what to say and you’re the most inconsistent person with content… → If you feel like you just keep spinning your wheels, trying new things, but content creation feels more like throwing spaghetti at the wall.   So often we tend to get caught up in this content creation piece as business owners. And it's not that we don't have good content. It's not that we’re not smart, creative individuals (you wouldn't be in online business if you weren't a smart, creative individual!)...   But what happens is that maybe our timing's a little off or, or the location is off, or the messaging is off…and that’s what we want to help you fix in this episode! Content creation should be simple.   There's a better way. There's a better strategy. There's a better method. And that's exactly what we're gonna dive into on today's episode! --- → Grab Rachel’s NEW 40 ways to bring more traffic to your offer checklist to help bring ORGANIC leads into your business! → Have a business question for Rachel? Send in your business questions to Rachel HERE! → See a copy of this week's show notes HERE! → Follow Rachel on Instagram: @rachelrmcmichael

Om Podcasten

From marketing strategies to tech tips to balancing work and family, your host Rachel McMichael joins other leading entrepreneurs to share real talk about creating a business that has lasting impact and influence (and of course… income!). If you’re looking for tangible advice on how to start and scale your business online, this one’s for you!