140: Fixing a Broken School System with Arthur Carmazzi

Today I have the pleasure of speaking with one of the world’s  Top 10 Thought Leaders in Leadership and Organizational Culture. Arthur Carmazzi is on a mission to disrupt the education system. He’s the Co-Founder of The Kingsley Leadership Academy, a high school cultivating the world’s future leaders through his Radical New Education System. Arthur is the Founder of the Directive Communication Psychology of Group Dynamics applied in global companies around the world. He’s also the Bestselling Author of 11 books specializing in psychological approaches to leadership and corporate culture transformation. What we discussed: * Why the school system is broken * How a teacherless school works * Psychology hacks that optimize child development * Why 97% of family businesses fail beyond the 3rd generation * … and MUCH MORE * Interesting highlights: * Arthur and I share our terrible school experiences * Arthur shares his vision of a new education system Resources & Links: * Kingsley Leadership Academy * PodBooker.com * The Daniel Gefen Show * The Self Help Addict (My book) * Gefen Media Group (Sponsor)   Did you enjoy this episode? Then please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes, so you can get automatic updates whenever another episode goes live (and you will be helping me get to #1 on iTunes!)

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Learn from Billionaires, Bestselling Authors and World Class Leaders how they got from where they were to where they are today and the exact steps they took to reach success! Daniel Gefen picks the brains of successful entrepreneurs to dig deeper and go beyond the outside shiny appearances. In a world filled with noise and hot air, Daniel cuts through the ego and goes for the heart and gut of each guest to reveal the essence of what it takes to be successful.