Ep 039 "CG Excursion: Stoicism: Who Dares Leads"

I am reusing a previous episode I used in the now moribund Stoicism podcast I started, The Dash, which I ran out of steam on.Applying Stoic values and discipline to the vocation and avocations we practice in life may be the hardest part outside of making a Stoic life a lived lifestyle. I find the management industry is a giant cargo cult that publishes books whose pages number in the hundreds but could simply be a page or two.References:James Clear Atomic HabitsMarcus Aurelius MeditationsWhitney J. Oakes (editor) The Stoic and Epicurean Philosophers: The Complete Extant Writings of Epicurus, Epictetus, Lucretius and Marcus AureliusMy SubstackEmail me at [email protected].

Om Podcasten

An unauthorized podcast series peeking behind the curtain at the vast machinery and briar patch politics of fighting terrorism and insurgency and everything in between. I'm a "COINtra" and not a "COINdinista", the latter are the vast army of apparatchiks and apologists who fire the engines of Irregular Warfare (IW) planet-wide. We're the skeptics and doubters of all things IW and special operations. And we are a tiny sliver of the IW community. I have noticed a jarring gap in this part of the discussion and intend on filling the breach.I am NOT Special Forces (SF) nor Ranger tabbed nor a graduate of the SF Qualification Course. I was an 18E candidate in A/3-12 SFG(A) who received an active duty US Army commission (OCS) in lieu of attendance of the SF qualification training pipeline as an US Army NCO.Substack: Chasing Ghosts: An Irregular Warfare PodcastSmedley D. Butler Fellow for Military Affairs at the Libertarian Institute:I am an Amazon Affiliate.You can contact me at [email protected].