#146 China's rally against climate change

Learn about climate change and China's effort to stop it. 1. What is ESG and why is it important 2. How has China developed since the last 20 years and where does it stand now in terms of environmental protection 3. Which challenges do companies face to understand and act upon environmental regulations 4. What does the 5 years plan indicate to do in order for China to thrive 5. What can flexpats do who are deeper involved into that topic in order to be best prepared 6. How to setup good relations with government officials and get the right support 7. Would a good environmental protection also help a company's marketing 8. What about water pollution and waste management 9. Where will China stand in 10 years with environmental protection 10. Johnny also published a White Paper on the Internet of Sustainability Data that explores ESG and carbon standards: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7155491808465059840 Johnny, an environmental expert and consultant, was 20 years in China seeing the country going through all phases from an environmental protection newbie to a real decarbonization pioneer. Until now he is consulting Chinese and international firms in China and the western world to understand respective policies and react accordingly. There is something for everyone to learn in this episode, knowing that Johnny only shared like 5% of what he is capable of. Reach out if you want to learn more. Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: Johnny Browaeys Find Verena on LinkedIn: Verena Lupprian Please also tune in to episode 64 Solar energy entrepreneur 133 EV entrepreneur

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The China Flexpat podcast interviews professionals in China to help people from all over the world find the best jobs in China. We uncover myths and show the truth about challenges and opportunities when looking for a life in the Middle Kingdom. Flexpats are like expats, but flexible. Highly interested in China's business world, culture, people and language but without the backing of a multinational company that provides large salary packages. We want to show you how you can become a well paid and happy China flexpat with the right skills and mindset.