Why are we using Western Medical parameters to measure Chinese Medicine? PART 2

Chinese Medicine Podcast - En podcast af Marie Hopkinson

Is thousands of years of history of medicine slowly going down the bureaucratic toilet? Part 2 of 2. This isn't a typical episode, but I have felt the need to get this issue out there for a while now.  Ive never had AHPRA try to interfere in my personal health until now... Discussion points include different systems of health care, and discussing are we slowly letting our system of medicine be eroded? Why this might be a bigger problem going forward using western medicine model to measure a different medicine system altogether...why isn't anyone concerned about that? Why isn't our board standing up for us about our system of medicine? How this has concerned me throughout the past 14 months. Is thousands of years of history of medicine slowly going down the toilet ?  If your a student of TCM (or a disillusioned practitioner) I think you will find this interesting. CONTACT: [email protected] IMPORTANT: This video, as with all videos on the The Chinese Medicine  Podcast are NOT a replacement for a health professional diagnosis.  While Marie may answer your questions, all answers are not of a  professional consultation level - it is impossible to check your pulse  through the internet, hence Chinese medicine cannot be practiced  properly through the internet. If you have any undiagnosed symptoms, or  changes in your health condition The Chinese Medicine Podcast urges you  to see your own doctor, GP, Chinese medicine practitioner, acupuncturist  or other health professional as appropriate. If it is an emergency call  000 in Australia. If you are unsure if this advice is appropriate for  your individual situation ask your own practitioner before applying any  diet or lifestyle techniques /concepts discussed in this video.   Marie  Hopkinson and The Chinese Medicine Podcast wishes you the best of health  and improvement in your own health journey.