Ep.145 Imposter Syndrome: How to Stop Feeling Like an Imposter in Your Studies

#145 – Do you struggle with imposter syndrome sometimes in your studies? Do you ever feel like a bit of a fraud that isn’t good enough to be studying this subject at this level? Imposter syndrome can strike students in different ways. When you get a low grade it can make you believe that this is your limit and you’re not capable of achieving more. When you get a higher grade it can make you feel like you didn’t deserve this success – that you’re a fraud who’s going to be found out to have gotten here by luck not by skill and hard work. In this episode we’re going to break down imposter syndrome to understand it a little more. Then I’m going to share with you three simple strategies you can use to kick imposter syndrome to the curb so that you can study from a more positive place, feel more confident AND ultimately achieve better results that you actually believe you deserve. To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode145. Join the waitlist for Write Better Essays Live. Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

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This podcast provides simple studying advice for non-traditional students returning to education to advance their careers. You’re in the right place if you’re a mature student, distance or workplace learner (or all three like Chloe) and studying for a degree or professional qualification. Chloe Burroughs, study skills expert and author of The Return to Study Handbook, will teach you how to study effectively so that you can boost your academic confidence, get more done in less time, and achieve the grades you really want. Chloe understands what you’re going through — the stress of juggling studying around your job and personal life; the feeling that you’ve never actually been taught how to study effectively; the worry that you’re not going to achieve the grades you need to move forward in your career. You’ll learn step-by-step strategies for time management, organisation and productivity; boosting your studying motivation and confidence; overcoming negative thinking and fear of exams; note taking and reading; essay writing and critical thinking; improving your memory; and exam revision and preparation. In short, you’ll develop the skills to make the most of the time, energy and money you’re investing in your education — so you can gain your dream qualification. With solo shows full of actionable study advice, conversations with other students, and interviews with education experts, Chloe Made Me Study will give you the confidence to achieve the grades you need to take the next exciting step in your career. So, if you’re a non-traditional student who’s ready to uplevel your study skills and results — hit that subscribe button to discover how to make your studying life easier.