Can the Dead Communicate With Us?
Christian Questions Bible Podcast - En podcast af Rick and Jonathan - Tirsdage

Our shared human experience is linked by extreme grief at the loss of a loved one. COVID-19 has unexpectedly killed millions of people around the world, often with no time opportunity for meaningful closure. When a child dies, or a loved one dies tragically or simply passes away from sickness or old age, we want to know, where are they? Are they hurting? Are they okay? Our emotional devastation can cause a desperate search for assurances that they are in a good place. The urge to communicate with the dead through a medium or psychic has been around since ancient days. But have the dead found a way to communicate directly with us? Could they be reaching out to us using common things like butterflies, coins or birds? How should we handle such a tempting yet comforting idea? Spontaneous After-Death Communication An after-death communication (ADC) is a phenomenon that takes place when people have lost a loved one or someone they knew. They are having significant issues with that loss and claim the departed individual appears to and/or communicates with them in some way. This appearance is spontaneous and not a result of intentionally trying to communicate on the part of the grieving one. It usually happens in a dream or in that liminal state between sleep and wakefulness. The overwhelming majority of these visits bring the comforting message that the deceased one is okay. They assure the one suffering from the loss that they can move on. These ADCs are referred to by many as “gifts from heaven.” Induced After-Death Communication To complicate the issue, there is form of ADC called an IADC, or induced after-death communication. This type of communication only happens while undergoing EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy). EMDR specifically manages very bad memories due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The results of these "visits" while undergoing EMDR therapy are strikingly similar to other ADCs. There is reassurance and peace, as well as a sense of being able to move on. Some report also feeling hugged by the deceased individual. So, what is really happening here? Are the dead really reaching out to the living with messages of comfort? This is an enormous question and answering it requires a detailed approach. Check out our October 25, 2021 podcast, “Can the Dead Communicate with Us?” for more. We carefully represent what is being reported regarding ADCs by listening to those who have researched them. One source is a psychologist who offers EMDR therapy. Several years ago, he stumbled on the ADC experience while working with a military veteran suffering from PTSD. We take the experiential input that so many have reported, paying close attention to the emotional factors of loss and grief. After considering the medical observations and explanations regarding EMDR, we put it together against the backdrop of biblical reasoning. What we find is a thrilling and fascinating conclusion. Join us for this journey and discover some of the amazing gifts God has given us! We also recommend Episode 1206: Is a Near-Death Experience a Glimpse of Heaven?