Is the Gospel a Success or a Failure?
Christian Questions Bible Podcast - En podcast af Rick and Jonathan - Tirsdage

Jesus was here 2,000 years ago. His message was clear, as he had come to pay the price for Adam’s sin. He preached, he healed, he called some to follow him, and he gave people hope. Jesus called himself “the way, the truth and the life” and announced that the “kingdom of God was at hand.” Fast forward 2,000 years, and we have to ask, where are we? It’s plainly obvious that the world has not come around to follow Jesus. And to be blunt, it is also obvious that much of the history of Christianity does not reflect well on the principles Jesus lived by and taught. So, what conclusions should we draw from all of this? Has the gospel message failed? Has the redemption Jesus promised the world just gone by the wayside, or is the gospel message doing precisely what God had always intended it to do? Let’s face it, God is pretty smart. When He has a plan, it is a sure thing that His plan will not only work, but it will work flawlessly, gloriously and comprehensively. After all, He IS the all-powerful and all-wise Creator of all things! With these observations in mind, let’s consider the whole idea of the gospel. The word for "gospel" in the New Testament means “a good message.” When we look at how the Bible is laid out, the New Testament begins with four books we call the Gospels. Because these books are about the life of Jesus, it is easy to conclude that his life IS the good news. His life IS the essence of the gospel. For ALL people It’s logical to focus on the life of Jesus, as his mission was the good news. Now let’s go further. When Jesus was born there was an angelic announcement to shepherds, and it was very specific. The message - the proclamation of good news - stated in Luke 2:10 (KJV) said, "…behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." So, what do we know so far? We know Jesus IS the "good news." We also know this good news would be for ALL people. All people. Not just believers, and not just special people. The angel said "ALL," and that angel had been sent by God to deliver that specific message. The conclusion is undeniable All will receive the good news, this gospel of Jesus. But how is this possible as so many have never even heard of him? Check out our December 16, 2024 podcast, “Is the Gospel as Success or a Failure?” for more. We dig into scriptures that give clear and abundant proof of how God’s plan does in fact include every man woman and child ever born. Even more thrilling is the fact that the message of the gospel being for all is all over the Bible! Join us for this incredible journey down the road of biblical truth and hope. It really is good news!