Why Didn’t Paul Preach in Asia?
Christian Questions Bible Podcast - En podcast af Rick and Jonathan - Tirsdage

When we read the Bible, it sometimes appears to say things that just don’t make sense. Think about the scripture that plainly says God did not want the Apostle Paul to preach the gospel in Asia. Why not? Jesus told his disciples to preach the word throughout the world. Didn’t Asia count? This apparent discrepancy can stimulate all kinds of questions and even provoke doubt as to the equity of God’s character. The good news is, the answer to all of this is not only sensible, but also profound and inspiring as well. When we understand the lay of the land, the literal geography of the area and the big picture of the mission the disciples were given, a whole new conclusion emerges. Paul was called to be an evangelist. When he was converted while on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians, it was made plain to him that he would bring the gospel before Gentiles and kings. Paul answered this call with a remarkable passion. He would preach. He would stand before anyone and everyone, from the lowest peasant to the highest ruler. Paul would set up churches and expand the cause of Christ. Being told to NOT preach in a specific territory was not a normal - and likely not an expected - command to have to follow. There are several aspects to this seemingly questionable command. First, it needs to be clarified that the Asia that was “forbidden” in this command was Asia Minor, which was actually a Roman province. This was not the massive continent of Asia that we know today. It is important to realize the gospel would be extremely prominent in this area and Paul would have much to do with the churches founded there. All of this being said, why was he forbidden to preach? There’s more. Paul obeyed this command decisively and journeyed north through Asia. As he approached its northern edge, he proposed to leave that province and go into Bithynia and evangelize. He was again forbidden to go there and preach. Now wait a minute! What's happening here? Why is Paul the evangelist seemingly being shut down from what he was called to do? Why were the core desires of his heart to spread the gospel being denied? Check out our recent podcast, “Why Didn’t Paul Preach in Asia?” for more. We pull all of the pieces of context together and put them in order. We discover the reason for these denials was not to stifle, but to bring a magnificent increase to the work. The bottom line here is all about fulfilling the big picture of the gospel mission. It’s all about Paul being shown that his efforts would be focused and concentrated on those specific things that God wanted him to do at the specific time that God wanted them done. Join us as we take this very straightforward question and unveil a very straightforward scriptural answer!