Episode 506: Knott, not so long ago W/ Jeremy Knott

Jeremy is a 20 year Navy veteran. This was recorded a few months ago when he was processing out of the Military in San Diego. I thought this was lost when I formatted a memory card I was excited when I found out I didn't .I served with his cousin who died in Iraq. I cant imagine a loss that close. He stayed in and still finished a 20 year career and this podcast picks up the very end of it.

Om Podcasten

Every service member will get out of the military one way or another. This is a show about those that did or are serving, lessons learned & the tales to be told. Tall tales of the battle field, stories of the high seas. The mission in every episode is to be inform and entertain. Most importantly help our brothers and sisters. So Dig in join the fight, then pop smoke til next time.