Treating your team as human beings not as employees with Mark LeBusque

What would happen if managers would stop treating their teams as employees, and instead started treating others and themselves as human beings? Mark LeBusque asked himself this question years ago, drew a plan and executed it. The results? As Mark told me: "Raf, magic happened". Results went through the roof, and I am not surprised at all. Today Mark is on the mission of helping teams bringing the best human version of themselves to work. Mark wrote two books: "Being Human" and "The Little Book Of Human", set up his consultancy business, launched a podcast "The Simply Practically Human" and speaks in stages across the globe. Tune in to see how can you, in a very practical way, be the best human version of yourself at work. Here are a few places where you can connect with Mark: Website: Podcast: Grab Mark's books: LinkedIn: Instagram: I appreciate your support. Every download and review means a lot to me and serves me as a fuel to keep on inviting more exciting guests on my show. Most of my episodes are streamed live via my LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Patreon.

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What makes one manager’s team excel and soar while another manager’s team hisses and stagnates? The answer is simple: coaching, not micromanaging! But how do you tap into your inner coach? Raf Baron brings guests in the field of coaching for valuable discussion on how every manager can tap into the great mentor & leader already inside them. Raf Baron is a feedback coach and former pro-wrestler who is an expert at coaching managers into giving the gift of feedback during everyday work conversation. Through the stories and practical tips, you will learn how to grow and develop your team.